- RISC-V Based CNN Hardware Accelerator
- Ahmed Adel Emara
- Heba Mahmoud Ahmed
- Yasmin Beihery Abdullsallam
- Mohammed Samir Monir
- Omar Mohammed Abdulsallam
- Youmna Gamal Fawzy
- The project is sponsored by IC-Pedia

- Synthesizable RTL PCIe Physcial Layer
- Marwa Mohamed Abd El-Aty
- Esmail Hany Badr
- Mostafa Mahmoud Abozaid
- Jala Serag Elezaby
- Salah Abd El Khalek Mostafa
- Eslam Mahmoud Ali
- The project is sponsored by Mentor, A Siemens business

- Floating Point Unit Design, Verification, and Realization
- Dina Mamdouh
- Sara Nassef
- Kirolos Osama
- Kerolos Samy
- Moumen Hussain
- Lidia Adel
- The project is sponsored by Mentor, A Siemens business

- RISC-V Implementation and Functional Verification
- Mahmoud Abd El Mawgoed Ibrahim
- Zyad Ahmed Aboelkasem
- Abdelrahman Mohamed Adel
- Mohamed Alaa Mohamed Sharshar
- Dina Saad Mohamed
- The project is sponsored by Mentor, A Siemens business

- Digital Design and Verification of Safety Critical Automobile Applications
- Ahmed Mostafa Abdelrahman
- Adham Osama Ali
- Usama Emam Kamal
- Eslam Mamdouh Mohamed
- Mohamed Gamal Tawfik
- The project is sponsored by Mentor, A Siemens business

- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) – MobileNet Machine Learning Hardware Acceleration
- Moataz Mohamed Gharib
- Mahmoud Ahmed Fouad
- Mostafa Nasser Zaki
- Mohamed Ayman Mohamed
- Mahmoud Yasser Ibrahim
- The project is sponsored by Mentor, A Siemens business

- 5G Performance Improvement using Massive MIMO and Beamforming
- Aya mohamed mohye El-bardisy
- Khaled Abdelfattah Mahmoud
- Khaled Reda El-ATrees Hassan
- Salma alaa ahmed El-gharabawy
- Mohamed adel mamdouh ghareb
- Mohamed waleed abdelhafez ahmed
- The project is sponsored by IC-Pedia

- Mental Health Chatbot Based Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)
- Fatma Mohamed Khamis
- Irini Adel
- Marina Maher
- Shymaa Gamal
- Esraa Khaled
- The project is sponsored by Valeo

- Machine Learning Based Lane Change and Trajectory Selection for Autonomous Vehicle
- Mahmoud Shawky Abdel Fattah
- Mohamed Abdallah El shafey
- Nourhan Ashraf Fooda
- Yasmeen Waleed Etman
- The project is sponsored by IP Valley and Valeo

- Low-Energy Wideband Sub 6 GHZ Transmitter Based on RF-Mixing DAC for 5G Communication
- Ahmed Abdou Mohamed Allam
- Hossam Sayed Abdel-Rahim Mohamed El-Sheikh
- Zeyad Hany Mohamed Saied Elsisi
- Ahmed Essam Mohamed Zaki
- Abdelrahman Ayman Mahmoud
- Mohammed Mahmoud Gaber
- The project is sponsored by Si-Vision

- Analog Layout Automation using Machine Learning
- Ahmed Hussein Ahmed
- Mahmoud Aref Mahmoud
- The project is sponsored by Si-Vision

- ASIC Physical Design of RISC-V Core Processor
- Menna Magdy Saad
- Walid Fadi Walid
- Yara Mamdouh Gohneim
- Mariam Mohamed Mahmoud
- Monica Nashaat Botros
- Roaa Ahmed
- The project is sponsored by Si-Vision

- Hardware Acceleration of CNN Based Road Detection
- Ahmed Khaled
- Amr Nasser
- Menna Khaled
- Islam M. Adam
- Moaz Khaled
- The project is sponsored by Valeo and Si-Vision

- Automatic Post-Layout Generation of Analog Designs using Reinforcement Learning
- Andoleet Ali Saleh
- Mohamed Gamal
- Mostafa Ellebody
- The project is sponsored by IP Valley

- Design of Low Energy RISC-V Processor for IoT Applications
- Ahmed Hassan Abdullah
- Mohamed Sayed Younis
- Omar Monzer Joudi
- Seif Eldeen Abd Alazeem
- The project is sponsored by Si-Vision

- Integration of Federated Machine Learning in Smart Metering Systems
- Mirna Girgis Felimone
- Mohamed Fathy Kotb
- Nouran Waleed Ahmed
- Merna Mamdouh Balamoun

COVID-19 Detection Through Driver Behavior/ActionsToqa Mahmoud Abdel-hakimSamar ibrahimYoussef Abo-El-QassemGhada Adel Abdel-AzizMenna-tollah RaafatPoline Atef
The project is sponsored byValeo

- Smart City: Design and Implementation
- Aya Hassan Abdelrazik
- Aya Hossam Eldine Adel
- Aya Nabih Fathy
- Aya Tarek Awad
- Mohamed Hossam Ahmed
- Mohamed Samy EL-Shazly
- Nada Elsayed Morsy
- Nada Magdy Aly
- Nada Tarek Hassan
- Youssef Adel Mohamed