Alaa Sameh: ONE Lab Women In Engineering Program (WIEP) Winner from Alexandria University, talks about her experience with ONE Lab.

Alaa Sameh: ONE Lab Women In Engineering Program Winner from Alexandria University

Alaa Sameh won the ONE Lab Women In Engineering Program for her excellence in her internship records. Alaa worked at ONE Lab as a summer internship student during Summer 2018 and she is an undergraduate student at Alexandria University. Although Alaa home town is Alexandria, Alaa has no absence recorded during her 8 weeks internship, 8-hours daily. Moreover, Alaa has a paper in submission at a highly ranked IEEE Conference.

Her internship work focuses on developing a machine learning platform for automobile drivers sleepness detection through monitoring the driver EEG signal.

Watch Alaa talking about her experience at ONE Lab.

Read more about ONE Lab Summer Internship.