ONE Lab Graduate and GP students have Three accepted papers at IEEE ISCAS 2021 in Korea

ONE Lab team has 3 accepted papers at ISCAS 2021, the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems which will be held this year in Daegu, Korea. Two papers are accepted from two Master students whereas the third paper is authored by 2020 Graduation Project students sponsored by Seamless Waves, Paris, France.

The papers address different research topics such as hardware acceleration of wireless signal identifications for 5G technologies, DC-DC converters systematic CAD Tool, and RF Design of Bluetooth Transceivers.

Below is a list of the accepted papers:

  • A. Emad, H. Mohamed, A. Farid, M. Hassan, R. Sayed, H. Aboushady, and H. Mostafa, “Deep Learning Modulation Recognition for RF Spectrum Monitoring” , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2021), Daegu, Korea, In Press.
  • A. Magdy, S. Assem, A. Hussien, and H. Mostafa, “Low Power, Dual Mode Bluetooth 5.1/Bluetooth Low Energy Receiver Design”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2021), Daegu, Korea, In Press.
  • A. Elabany, A. Nassar, and H. Mostafa, “Design Optimization of Multi-Input Reconfigurable Capacitive DC-DC Converters: A CAD Tool Approach” , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2021), Daegu, Korea, In Press.