ONE Lab Graduate and Intern students have Four accepted papers at IEEE NILES 2020 in Egypt

ONE Lab team has 4 accepted papers at NILES 2020, the IEEE International Conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences which will be held this year in Cairo, Egypt. One paper is accepted from one Master student whereas the other 3 papers are authored by 2019 summer intern students.

The papers address different research topics such as hardware acceleration of blockchain algorithms, hardware acceleration of neural networks, energy efficient ASIC libraries for low power IoT modules, and memristor-based neuro-morphic computing.

The papers have collaborations among several universities such as Cairo University, Zewail City of Science and Technology, and Alexandria University.

Below is a list of the accepted papers:

Y. K. Abdelmagid, R. T. Nawar, M. K. Rabie, A. S. Tulan, A. H. Hassan, A. Saleh and H. Mostafa, “Investigation of DW Spintronic Memristor performance in 2T1M Neuromorphic Synapse”, IEEE International Conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences (NILES 2020), Cairo, Egypt, In Press.

Eng. Ahmed Hassan (ONE Lab Former RA) with the Intern students (Yasmine, Menna, Renad, Andoleet, and Ahmed Tolan). Students are from Zewail City and Cairo University.

A. M. Salman, A. S. Tulan, R. Y. Mohamed, M. H. Zakhari and H. Mostafa, “Comparative Study of Hardware Accelerated Convolution Neural Network on PYNQ Board”, IEEE International Conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences (NILES 2020), Cairo, Egypt, In Press.

Eng. Michael Hany (ONE Lab Former RA) with the Intern students (Alaa, Rana,and Ahmed Tolan). Students are from Alexandria University and Cairo University.

A. H. Gad, S. E. E. Abdalazeem, O. A. Abdelmegid and H. Mostafa, “Low power and area SHA-256 hardware accelerator on Virtex-7 FPGA”, IEEE International Conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences (NILES 2020), Cairo, Egypt, In Press.

Intern students (Ali, Omar, and Seif) from Zewail City.

A. Hesham and H. Mostafa, “Energy-Efficient Near-Threshold Standard Cell Library for IoT Applications”, IEEE International Conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences (NILES 2020), Cairo, Egypt, In Press.

Eng. Abdelrahman Hesham (ONE Lab current MSc student)