Two New Journal Papers Accepted at IEEE Access and Elsevier Optik

On Oct. 27, 2021; ONE Lab Research Group is lucky to have two accepted journal papers on the same date/time.

The first paper, titled “Power Efficient Design of High-Performance Convolutional Neural Networks Hardware Accelerator on FPGA: A Case Study with GoogLeNet“, is the main outcome of the Master thesis work of Eng. Ahmed Jamal.

Eng. Ahmed has a long research record with ONE Lab as an internship student (Summer 2018), Digital Design Research Assistant, and Master Student at Cairo University. Eng. Ahmed will have his Master thesis defense on Nov. 2021 and start the PhD journey.

The second paper, titled “Generation of Low-Complexity Power-Efficient IR-UWB Waveforms“, is the last paper of the RONST (Radio Optical Networks Simulation Tool) project funded by NTRA (The National Telecom Regularity Authority). The main idea of this project has been initiated by Eng. Mohamed Shehata, currently at Adelaide University in Australia, and continued by ONE Lab Team after Eng. Mohamed has travelled to Australia. The paper core work has been performed by Dr. Samy Soliman, Professor at Zewail City of Science and Technology.