Design and Implementation of hardware Internet of Things (IoT) Adaptive Security Supporting System
Funded by Information Technology Academia Collaboration (ITAC)

Project Duration: July 2019 – June 2020 (12 months)
Project Budget: EGP 250,000
Project Industrial Partners: SSTM

Project Executive Summary:
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a major evolving paradigm where objects such as home appliances, machines, monitoring sensors, vehicles, automated devices, etc are connected through the Internet to allow remote monitoring and control of these objects as well as collaborative operation between these objects. Objects can be connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, 3G or LTE techniques. The IoT provides a world where all the things around us are connected to the Internet and communicate with each other with minimal human interference. By 2020, several tens of billions of devices are anticipated to be connected. Protection of exchanged data has been considered a significant issue back to the days when only two computers are connected together. With the commercialization of the Internet, security issues are expanded to cover financial transactions and personal privacy. In IoT, security cannot be separated from safety. Whether accidental or malicious, hacking the controls of a pacemaker, a car, or a nuclear reactor places a big threat to human life. Accordingly, one of the major challenges that limits the expansion of the IoT technology is the security aspect. Security can be performed either in hardware (using dedicated real time ASIC chips) or software (using software authentication API). Both hardware and software security platforms are booming up recently to pave the way for the IoT deployment to move forward.
Project Team:
- Project Published Journal Papers:
- A. M. Ruby, S. M. Soliman, and H. Mostafa, “Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Efficient AES Implementation for IoT Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2020), Seville, Spain, In Press.
- S. Taha, and H. Mostafa, “Accelerated Software Implementation of Authenticated Encryption Stream Ciphers for High Speed Applications “, IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2019), Cairo, Egypt, In Press.
- Abdelrahman M. Abotaleb, Abdulkareem M. Abotaleb, A. Wassal, and H. Mostafa, “Complete Security Stack FPGA Implementation of the Software Defined Radio on ZYNQ”, IEEE International Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2019), Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 1-4, 2019.[PDF]
- N. Samir, Y. Gamal, A. N. El-Zeiny, O. Mahmoud, A. Shawky, A. Saeed, and H. Mostafa, “Energy-Adaptive Lightweight Hardware Security Module Using Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration for Energy Limited Internet of Things Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2019), Sapporo, Japan, pp. 1-4, 2019. [PDF]
- S. Sharaf, and H. Mostafa, “A Study of Authentication Encryption Algorithms(POET, Deoxys, AEZ, MORUS, ACORN, AEGIS, AES-GCM) For Automotive Security”, IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2018), Sousse, Tunisia, pp. 315-318, 2018. [PDF]
- Project Published Conference Papers:
- N. Samir, A. S. Hussein, M. Khaled, A. N. ElZeiny, M. Osama, H. Yassin, A. Abdelbaky, O. Mahmoud, A. Shawky, and H. Mostafa, “ASIC and FPGA Comparative Study for IoT Lightweight Hardware Security Algorithms”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC), vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1-13, 2019.[PDF]
- S. Soliman, M. A. Jaela, A. M. Abotaleb, Y. Hassan, M. A. Abdelghany, A. T. Abdel-Hamid, K. N. Salama, and H. Mostafa, “FPGA Implementation of Dynamically Reconfigurable IoT Security Module Using Algorithm Hopping”, Elsevier Integration VLSI Journal, vol. 68, pp. 108-121, 2019. [PDF]
- A. Abbas, H. Mostafa, and A. N. Mohieldin, “Low Area and Low Power Implementation for CAESAR Authenticated Ciphers”, Journal of Low Power Electronics (JLOPE), vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 104-114, 2019. [PDF]