Deepen Local Manufacturing in Electronics Industry Alliance (DLMEI)

Funded by Academy of Scientific Research and technology (ASRT)

  • Project Duration: June 2016 – Dec. 2018 (30 months)

  • Project Budget: EGP10 Million

  • Project Partners:

  • Project Executive Summary:

Deepen Local Manufacturing- Electronics Industry (DLMEI) includes 15 partners from key players in electronics sector in Egypt to drive the innovation and technology transfer for solving national pressing problems in Energy and Sensors fields.

DLMEI products include:

  1. Brain Disease Monitoring Neural Electronic System
  2. Made in Egypt Single-phase Smart Energy Meter
  3. Large scale manufacturing of tiebox PV solar unit of 10KW with local solar inverter
  4. Microwave museum security system
  5. Micro immuno-sensing biomedical cavity resonator diagnostic sensor
  6. Gas Sensor For Petrochemical Industry
  7. CMOS Thermo-electric Generator For Electronic Boards Energy Harvesting
  • Project Published Journal Papers:

  1. H. H. Draz, S. R. I. Gabran, M. Basha, H. Mostafa, M. Abu-Elyazeed, and A. Zaki, “Comparative Mechanical Analysis of Deep Brain Stimulation Electrodes”, Springer Nature: BioMedical Engineering OnLine, vol. 12, issue 123, pp. 1-14, 2018. [PDF]